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Ashley's Big Adventure

One afternoon after nap time during Spring Break I told Ashley we were going on an adventure. Her day care has an aquarium near the door and every day we stop to say goodbye to the fish, so I thought it would be a good idea to take her to the aquarium in downtown Houston. She loved it! She loved riding the seahorse on the carousel and kept talking about going up and down. She loved the sharks swimming all around and above us while we rode on the train. She waved and waved to the sharks. We also ate at a restaurant surrounded by a huge aquarium and could watch the fish while we ate. Then we walked around the aquarium to see an octopus, alligators, all kinds of different fish, frogs and more. There was even an exhibit with white tigers! At the very end of the video we were riding home in the car and it was dark, so you'll be able to hear Ashley talking but won't really see anything. It was Ashley's big adventure during Spring Break!

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