Ashley is having a great month. She's happy. She has a great imagination. She loves to read.
Ashley absolutely loves to go outside and play with the other children on our street. She thinks she can do exactly what they do. She almost jumps out of her car seat when we get home if they are already playing outside. She's been playing babies pushing the stroller around, and trying to play soccer with her ladybug ball. She said the other's wouldn't get out of her way to kick her ball. We told her to tell them to get out of her way, and she did. She was so happy to kick her ball with every one else.
When she's not playing outside she loves to read. She loved having the Easter books out and didn't really like it when we put them away. So somehow she found those and the Valentine's books in her closet. She's read every one over and over! And she's really doing a good job writing her letters. She is working on writing her last name right now.
Ashley continues to be a big help in the kitchen. Several weekend mornings she has mixed the waffle batter all by herself. She is always interested in what we are cooking, but doesn't necessarily like to eat it. She currently is on a yogurt kick. The girl cannot get enough yogurt. She also really likes hamburgers. Depending on the day she likes it with cheese, but please do not put a pickle or tomato in front of her!
Ashley celebrated Cinco de Mayo with her friends at school (on May 6th, no less) with a fiesta of food and a piñata! She was very gracious to share her candy with Addie. She loves to make envelopes and letters at the writing center and put them in her take home folder. But, she will not let Mommy take anything home in the folder unless it is Friday. One of her friends took a week's vacation and Ashley said everyday, "Kenzie will be back next Monday." She was so excited to go to school that Monday morning and tell Kenzie everything she had done while Kenzie was away.
One Friday night we were driving home from school and Ashley realized it was game night. She was really excited to see her game night friends. The adults had so much fun they decided to get together again on Saturday night. Saturday afternoon Ashley asked if we could go back to Adam and Isaac's house. Mommy said, "Sure!" We had another great night of fun for the children and the adults. But everyone was very tired by the time Monday morning rolled around!! Too much fun with friends.
Click here to see pictures of Ashley's 52nd month.
Click here to see Ashley's scrapbook.
Videos of Ashley's 52nd month.
Pool Length
Reading the Yellow Lion & Ashley's Sunny Day