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Ashley's 31st Month Update

Ashley is full of joy to share with every one! Her love for Addie is very evident with all the hugs and kisses. So far being a big sister agrees with Ashley!

We know Ashley hears and understands what we are telling her. One afternoon when we were playing Ashley told Daddy to do something, but he didn't do it. Ashley said, "You're not listening Daddy." Another time she was telling Mommy to do something else and Mommy didn't move so Ashley said, "Listen to my words." So Mommy and Daddy are learning to choose their words carefully when Ashley is around! Another funny quote from Ashley came when she was getting dressed one day. She said, "I wear my cutie dress!" So we went to her closet and got out a "cutie dress." She also likes to repeat what Mommy has said..."I'll be riiiiiiight back!"

Ashley is also known as the band-aid queen around our house. She was attacked my ants one day in the yard and had a really hard time not scratching the bites. She would scratch the bites at night and get blood every where. So we started using band-aids. At one point we were putting 5-6 band-aids on a day. When the spots finally healed she wasn't ready to give up her band-aids. She cried when we took the last one off and didn't replace it.

Ashley was so excited to spend a week at Mimi and Willy's with her cousins Henry and Emma. She practically squealed with delight when they came in the door! She loved playing "house" where Henry would build a house of Legos or Lincoln Logs and Ashley would destroy it! Henry would do what ever Ashley, read, run, name it and they did it! They went swimming every day. At first Ashley didn't want to go down the slide because she said she was too big, but Henry and Emma didn't seem to mind. The three went to Build-A-Bear and Ashley picked out a Hello Kitty. She was so sad to see Henry and Emma leave. She watched as they walked out the door and the car drove away in the morning. After her nap she went back to the window and said "Henry Emma go home."

She was happy to see them again a few days later when Uncle Rob watched all the girls so the rest of us could go to a movie. She was not so happy to see Hans. As we ate dinner she said, "Hans outside" and watched the window carefully. She was very concerned he would come in the house and "get me." Uncle Rob said Hans couldn't come in the house because he didn't have a key to open the door. Ashley responded with "Hans don't have pockets." So I guess if you don't have pockets you can't have a key!

Click here to see pictures of Ashley's 31st month.

Click here to see Ashley's scrapbook.

Videos of Ashley's 31st month.

Baby Beluga

Flip Flops

Playing the Flute

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