What a great month it has been! The best part was being away from school for 2 weeks! Ashley got over her ear infection just in time to celebrate the holidays. And she did a lot of celebrating!
First we went to Maw Maw and Paw Paw's house. We're not sure who had more fun, Ashley or Maw Maw pushing all the buttons to make music play all around the house. At one point it wasn't clear who was playing more music, Ashley with the musical animals or Daddy with his new Guitar Hero World Tour! Ashley also had a really good time playing with her cousin Matt. Ashley would walk around the house saying "Matt, Matt" and there he would be. Maw Maw also had a great chocolate treat for Ashley. Ashley quickly added "more chocolate please!" to her vocabulary. Ashley played and played and played with the kitchen and food Aunt Renita and Uncle John gave her. She loves it! And Daddy was super glad Matt put it together before we got there!
If you asked Ashley if she wanted Santa to come visit her she would say "no." Apparently her visit to see Santa left a bad impression. Christmas morning Ashley did not know what to think of all the presents from Santa. When we asked her if Santa left the presents for her she would still say "no Santa."
Then it was off to Mississippi! Ashley had a great time playing with more family! All day we heard "Emma! Emma!" as they would run back and forth from one end of the house to the other. Ashley really liked the "kitty cats" and frequently went to the back porch to see how many were out there. Martin even took her out to the barn to see the pigs. That made an impression on her too. She kept saying "pigs, pigs."
Ashley was great for all of the long car rides. She hardly cried at all and was there just hanging out in her car seat. Once we were back home we went to the Ice! exhibit at the Texas Gaylord. When Ashley saw the lights outside she kept saying "Happy Henry" and we tried to explain it wasn't Henry's birthday but she kept saying it any way! Ashley wore her coat, hat, and mittens under the provided big blue coat. When we went in to see the ice she really didn't know what to think. She just stared at everything. Afterwards she refused to take off her coat, hat and mittens when it was about 70 degrees outside. When we were leaving she said, "bye-bye ice."
Then we had Christmas with Mimi and Willy at Aunt Michelle's house. Ashley finally got into opening presents, but not fast enough for Emma. Ashley wanted to open each box and start playing with her toys and Emma wanted her to keep taking the wrapping paper off more presents. After all the presents were open and every one else was occupied, Ashley got Emma's gift of dress up clothes and managed to get the gloves and boa on. It was pretty funny to turn around and see her that way!
Henry, Emma, and Ashley spent New Year's Eve together also. Ashley was SO happy when we opened the door and they walked in! But after all the fun it was back to reality of school. One day when I went to pick her up she ran to the window and said "tiger!" Earlier in the day Ashley had heard a loud noise outside on the playground. For some reason she thought it was a tiger when it really was a man with a leaf blower. After he left she kept going back to the window and saying "Tiger! Tiger!" That same afternoon we got home and there was a package at the door. When I brought it inside Ashley said, "Santa?" And I said, "No, Miss Carol!"
Ashley is really growing up. She is putting more and more words together to make sentences. And she's so polite about it too. She will say "More chocolate please." And when you give her something she will say "Thank you Da Da" or Thank you Ma Ma." If you ask her to do something and say thank you, most of the time she will say "You welcome." She also likes to say "Have a nice weekend!" And she's starting to help in getting herself ready in the mornings. She can easily put her shoes on, but still needs a little help with her socks.
Ashley's at a picky-eater stage. She will be offered every thing and will say no to it all. Her favorite things to eat right now are croutons and little oranges. But that could all change tomorrow! Ashley also tried sushi this month. She didn't really like it.
Ashley has moved to a different day care and we are all excited about the new things she will be learning. She loves to color and paint. And she really enjoys taking things apart and putting them back together. There is a soft play area that she goes to each day that seems like it will be really fun.
Next up, Ashley turns 2! We're looking forward to celebrating her 2nd birthday with family this weekend!
Click here to see pictures of Ashley's 24th month.
Click here to see pictures of Christmas 2008.
Click here to see Ashley's scrapbook.
Videos of Ashley's 24th month.
More Chocolate Please!
A Visit from Santa!
Wheels on the Bus