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Ashley's 11th Month Update

Ashley's 11 months old! She weighs 18 lbs. 12 oz. and is 27 and 3/4 inches long. This month has been all about a girl on the move! She started crawling and that means daddy's new exercise program has started involving chasing Ashley. She loves to go about 5 feet, stop, turn her head, and smile to see if you're watching her. She can get any where she wants or needs to go! Ashley spent her first Thanksgiving in Leesville where she got to spend some quality time in her new rocking chair right next to Paw Paw's rocking chair. No turkey this year, but she had a lot of fun playing with Aunt Renita, Uncle John, Matt, Clint, Maw Maw, and Paw Paw.

Ashley's teachers say she is a real talker! Mommy and daddy are sure this won't be the last time they hear this about Ashley. Ashley loves to "talk" to her friends in her class. We don't know what they are saying but it must be very important. Daddy says Ashley always has to get in the last word. If you didn't know any better you would think she was clearly saying "Ma Ma" and "Da Da." But we'll wait a little longer until we are sure she knows the meaning of the words before we declare her first word.

Ashley is all about the humor, too. She likes to tease you by handing you a toy but at the last second she pulls it back and turns her head and smiles. She also loves to play peek-a-boo with Daddy for hours on end. She loves to laugh! One of her favorite times to laugh is when she sees herself in the mirror while she's taking a bath.

Ashley has mastered waving bye-bye. All you have to do is pick her up and she starts waving. She has also mastered pulling up to her knees. There is one particular present under the Christmas tree that is just the right size to help her get to her knees. One particular time at school she was able to pull herself up to her feet, but got her head stuck in the shelves in the mean time. It won't be long until she's on her feet all the time!

Speaking of Christmas, Ashley is very excited! When we first decorated for Christmas she didn't know what to think of all the new things to look at in the house. She will sit and look at the Christmas trees for a long time and likes to pull on the ornaments. There is a set of jingle bells at the bottom of one of our Christmas trees and she likes to hit them to hear them ring. She also really likes the wreaths. She will sit and look at the wreaths for a long time too. Almost every morning when she comes into the kitchen or the living room she has to stop, point, and say "Hey look, there's a wreath on the wall!" She has visited with Santa twice now. The 1st time went really well, but she didn't want anything to do with the 2nd Santa. We are looking forward to celebrating Ashley's first Christmas...and her birthday is just around the corner!

Click here to see pictures of Ashley's 11th month.

Click here to see Ashley's scrapbook.

Videos of Ashley's 11th month.


Rocking Chair

Crawling through the House

What Goes In, Must Come Out

Month 11

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