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Addie's 25th Month Update

This has been the month of chaos by Addie from the very beginning to the very end. Right at the beginning Mommy had been sure to pack Bitty Baby and Bunny to take to the hotel. Sometime between putting the bag at the door and it getting in the car Addie got Bitty Baby out of the bag only to not be found at bedtime causing panic looking in every nook and cranny for Mommy! Thankfully Bitty was hiding in a box at home and was found the next day.

Not long after that, Addie discovered how to push the emergency button on the elevator at the hotel. Joy for everyone. Although I guess people are used to this because no one came running to see if we needed any help. Addie continued the “hotel fun” by refusing to go to bed and flipping herself out of her pack n’ play. Apparently it didn’t hurt because she didn’t cry, and instead started running around the room. And when things were out of her reach she found the stepstool and could reach just about anything she wanted (AKA…Mommy didn’t want her to have at the time). She also really enjoys using her stepstool to turn on water wherever she goes!

Addie kept the party going at Aunt M’s house! Addie was so excited to spend the weekend with her cousins that she thought every one should stay up all night long! Quality time with family, ah! Then, onto a week a Mimi and Willy’s house. She spent a lot of time sleeping and swimming. One night she was happy to join everyone for taco at dinner. When the guacamole was sat down in front of her she took a big chip from the basket, stuck it in deep, and came out with a heap of guacamole. Yum! Warning: when Addie is around stay clear of the chips because she loves them and nothing slows her down!

Addie enjoyed a few days at Maw Maw and Paw Paw’s house. She got to make cookies with Aunt Ne, but preferred eating the M & M’s rather than decorating with them. And Addie absolutely loved the 10 foot high water slide Maw Maw and Paw Paw got for her to play on. It didn’t bother her at all to climb to the very top and slide down.

Coming to the new house has not slowed Addie down at all. She quickly learned where her new room was and wanted to show you frequently. She also discovered the spice rack in the kitchen, obviously not designed with small children in mind. Again, she really enjoys using her stepstool to turn the water on at the sink. Unfortunately, she also got her finger caught in a closing door. Thankfully her fingers were not hurt and this only slowed her down for a short while. She mastered going up and down the stairs with only a few little wobbles in a few short hours. And while everything else was going on she colored the freshly painted walls! She thought the room needed a little more color!

Right before we moved Addie looked out her bedroom window and saw the play set was taken apart. She said, “Oh no, play set!” Since moving to the new house she can see straight into the backyard from her new bedroom window. And every night she says, “Oh no play set.” She will be so happy when Daddy has time to put it back together again. Also when she looks from her window she can see the shed. It’s painted red and she always says, “Barn. Cow. Moo!” She thinks one day a cow is going to walk out of the “barn” but Mommy really hopes nothing ever come out of the barn! Her new favorite bedtime story is 5 Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed, which is also inspiring her to jump in her bed, on Ashley’s bed, and someone has also been jumping on Mommy and Daddy’s bed. Wonder who? According to Ashley it’s not her, but who really knows?

Addie’s adventures continued this month with visits to Paradise Pond where she continued her love of climbing on the gigantic play set. Taking her time she made it almost to the very top without any help. She struggled for a long time at one level trying every angel to pull her little body all the way up. She never gave up but was very happy her friend, Miss Emilie came along to give her a little boost. Addie had the biggest smile on her face when she came down the very fast slide with Miss Emilie. And went right back to climbing up the structure again! Addie also really enjoyed teatime with friends. She was right in the middle of everything dressing up, stirring her tea, and eating her cupcake. And when she was done, she was ready to get out of her dress-up clothes right then. Addie was happy to get her reading bucket from the library too. Wonder how she’ll be at the circus in a few weeks?

Click here to see pictures of Addie's 25th month.

Click here to see Addie's scrapbook.

Videos of Addie's 25th month.



Bed, Baby, and a Book


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