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Addie's 2nd Month Update

We're celebrating Addie's 2nd month! At her 2 month check up she has grown to 12 pounds and 12 ounces and 24 inches long. She is growing! Addie is sleeping in longer stretches at night and slowly getting into a routine schedule. Throughout the month you never knew when she would wake up...any where from 3 AM to 5:30 AM.

As she's growing she's really good during the day with eating every 3 hours, playing for about an hour and sleeping another hour. You know it's close to time to feed again because she starts getting a little fussy about 30 minutes before it's time to eat. Addie's loves for people to talk to her. Her face lights up when you start saying her name. And then she starts waving her arms and kicking her legs.

Addie had quality time with her cousins this month when she took her first trip to Mimi and Willy's house. Henry and Emma shared "duty" by having one rock the bouncer and the other hold the pacifier in Addie's mouth. Addie was too little to get in the swimming pool but will be right in the middle of it next summer!

Click here to see pictures of Addie's 2nd month.

Click here to see Addie's scrapbook.

Videos of Addie's 2nd month.

Playing in the Gym


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